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Going Paperless: 10 Reasons to Join the Risk Assessment Software Revolution
Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2022

Tired of paperwork? Learn how to streamline your risk management activities to save time and money by going paperless with the help of the right risk assessment software. With multi-layer cybersecurity protection, better visibility across the board and an environmentally-friendly approach, there is a lot RiskMach can bring to the table. Think this is something your business could benefit from? Let’s dive in and find out what are the 10 reasons to go paperless and join the risk assessment software revolution!

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Near Miss in The Workplace: All You Need To Know + Examples
Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2022

A near miss or a close call in the workplace can easily get ignored and forgotten due to the fact that no one really got hurt… that one time. However, on another occasion further down the line, the same situation could have tragic consequences. This is why you should take the opportunity to learn from a near miss and use that knowledge to build a strong, self-improving risk management system within your organisation. Below, we’ll explore what constitutes a near miss, show some near-miss examples and explain why near-miss reporting is important, as well as how to encourage your employees to report near misses.

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The Ultimate LOLER Guide | Ensuring Compliance
Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2022

Does your business involve the use of lifting equipment? If your operations employ the use of lifting equipment, whether you own it or not, it is your legal responsibility to comply with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER). We have prepared this simple guide to help you understand the basic requirements of LOLER, what it covers, why it’s important and how to safely perform LOLER inspections.

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How health & safety risk assessments are monitored & reviewed
Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2022

If you are familiar with the five steps of a risk assessment you know that monitoring and reviewing risks is the fifth and final step of the process. It allows you – the responsible person, to check whether the measures you have implemented to control risks work as they should and correct them if they don’t. It’s the basis for creating a reliable and sustainable risk management plan. To help you stay compliant, we put together a handy guide to explain how health and safety are monitored and reviewed.

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What is a Risk Based Inspection? | RBI in PUWER Inspections
Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2022

As an employer, you have a legal responsibility Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to ensure the occupational health and safety of your staff, as well as anyone else on the premises, including visitors, contractors and members of the public. As straightforward as this sounds at first, the more you know about the subject, the clearer it becomes that the risk management requirements for individual industries are vastly different and compliance can be achieved using a whole range of activities and methodologies. One of the most effective approaches to risk management is to conduct a risk based inspection (RBI). Below, we’ll look at what a risk based inspection is, how it applies to your PUWER inspection needs and we’ll give some advice on how to do it right.

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Why is it important to assess health and safety risks?
Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2022

Whether you are self-employed or you run a business, regardless of its size, you are legally required to carry out risk assessments at work. Non-compliance can lead to large fines and in case of an accident where someone has been harmed – even imprisonment. But why is it important to assess health and safety risks at work?

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10 Tips: How to Improve Safety Culture in The Workplace
Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2022

Safety culture in the workplace and how to improve it According to the HSE, safety culture can have a significant impact on safety outcomes. Achieving a positive safety culture should be a priority for any business owner who wants to maintain high-quality standards of risk management. Below we’ll discuss what safety culture is, why it’s important and how to improve it in your workplace.

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How to effectively report potential health and safety risks at work?
Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2022

Health and safety concerns often remain unreported because the workers feel like reporting is not important and they would be laughed at if they did go to their superiors, or because they don’t have the time or don’t know how to do it. However, every unreported concern may lead to accidents at work down the line, so below we’ll explain how and when to report potential health and safety risks that have been identified, as well as how the reports should be addressed.

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Support for Compliance Service Delivery: Procter Machine Safety
Posted in Blog on Sep 28, 2022

RiskMach is the ultimate software solution for all your risk management and compliance activities. The app is designed to support both businesses that do their risk inspections internally, as well as agents who provide an inspections service to their clients. Today, we are talking to Steve Allen, the National Sales Manager at Procter Machine Safety about his experience with using RiskMach to conduct PUWER inspections for his customers.

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