RiskMach WebApp 60.9

Changelog - Dec 19, 2023

This is a new release for the RiskMach Webapp

What's new?

60.9 introduces some new features and bug fixes:

  • A check for draft risk assessments before sync
  • The report facilitator can be selected on the project (if there is a report facilitator)
  • When scanning a QR for an inspection, there is an option to use the QR code's linked Core asset info
  • Agents can add a client from the client listing
  • Ability to view and download individual inspections if not logged in as an agent
  • Warning about paper sizes when printing/saving PDFs
  • The RiskMach WebApp version is watermarked on PDFs
  • Deleted Core assets can be viewed and recovered
  • Inspections PDF preview
  • Core media download bug fixed where image file would occassionally not display
  • Inspection form bug fixed where inspection record would not be set as modified
  • SOP media's sequence number is automatically set when added to the SOP